paper pod

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

craftbee : painting

My friend Maxine and I started the craftbee venture some time ago but due to various reasons its been on a bit of backburner for a while. We have SO many ideas for things to make and do that we never really get round to doing or making any of them! So we have decided to devote Thursday evenings to trying out arty crafty things. Last week we spent the evening experimenting with painting - something we would both like to be better at!
I wanted to try out using masking fluid to mask off areas of the page so that two contrasting techniques could be used together. This piece didn't come out quite how I'd planned as I'd wanted the background very watery and uncontrolled - it became a little tight as I worked on it. This was then to contrast with a more controlled and highly finished drawing. I think it would've been more successful with more contrasting colours as well - but as a first experiment I'm pretty pleased. I reverted to my old favourite theme of pods here too! Maxine created a really lovely leaf painting using different textures and shades of blue and green - you can see it on Noodles & Doodles!

Supper Club - Greek night

We had Supper Club at my house last friday - this month's theme was Greek. The food was unbelievably good and everyone had gone to a real effort to cook delicious Greek fare - and lots of it! There were so many leftovers I didn't have to cook for the rest of the weekend!
Some of the highlights for me were the many fabulous lamb casseroles, orzo, spicy kebab amd fried halloumi with capers dressing... I think it was the most yummy yet! Next month's is Indian - can't wait!